Eske Hansen + Apollone Kirstine Olufsdatter

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Eske Hansen ‎(I1548)‎
Geburt um 1805

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Apollone Kirstine Olufsdatter ‎(I1547)‎
Geburt um April 1804 33 26 -- Sønder Bork Sogn, Nørre Horne Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
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Oluf Nielsen ‎(I1536)‎
Geburt um April 1771 37 32 -- Sønder Bork Sogn, Nørre Horne Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Tod 17. Oktober 1848 ‎(Alter 77)‎
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Mette Sophie Børgesdatter ‎(I1537)‎
Geburt um Januar 1778 24 -- Lydum Sogn, Vester Horne Herred, Ribe Amt, DNK
Tod 13. Dezember 1857 ‎(Alter 79)‎ -- Nørre Bork Sogn, Nørre Horne Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK

Informationen zur Familiengruppe   (F644)
Heiratkirchliche Ehe
27. November 1830 Sønder Bork Sogn, Nørre Horne Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK

Einzelheiten zeigen Bemerkung: IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0
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Appolone Olufsen
Female Family

Christening: 03 APR 1804 Sonder Bork, Ringkobing, Denmark


Father: Oluf Nielsen Family
Mother: Mette Sophie Byrgesen

Spouse: Rske Hansen Family
Marriage: 27 NOV 1830

Record submitted by a member of the LDS Church. The record often shows the name of the individual and his or her relationship to a descendant, shown as the heir, family representative, or relative. The original records are not indexed, and you may have to look at the film frame-by-frame to Finlandd the information you want. A family group record for this couple may be in the Family Group Record Collection; Archive Section. ‎(See the Family History Library Catalog for the film number.)‎ These records are alphabetical by name of the father or husband.

Source Information:
Film Number: 0170481
Page Number:
Reference number: 13700


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Sønder Bork Kirke Foto: Knud FuusgaardSønder Bork Kirke Foto: Knud Fuusgaard

Volkszählung 18. Februar 1834 Sønder Bork Sogn, Nørre Horne Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK

Einzelheiten zeigen Bemerkung: Samtlige personer i husstanden

ringkoebing, Nørre Horne, Sønder Bork, Sønder Bork Bye, En Gaard, 32, FT-1834, C6118
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Eske Hansen Bloch 29 Gift Gaardmand
Abelone Kirstine Olesdatter 30 Gift Hans Kone
Karen Marie Bloch 8 Ugift Deres Barn
Kirsten Marie Bloch 1 Ugift Deres Barn
Eske Olesen 17 Ugift Konens Broder
Peder Olesen 14 Ugift Konens Broder
Ane Kirstine Olesdatter 10 Ugift Konens Søster
Mette Kathrine Olesdatter 20 Ugift Tjenestepige
Ole Nielsen 63 Gift Aftægtsmand
Mette Sophie Byrgesdatter 56 Gift Hans Kone, Gjordemoder


Letzte Änderung 6. Juli 2012 - 16:51:26 - von: Lodberg
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